Very first mini-gathering
MARCH, 2000
Mini-gathering, Pearl Restaurant, Salinas
Do you think they're talking about us?
Donitta Moe ('65)Lundquist and Anna Bauer ('66) Dusek
It was THIS Big....
Patty Perkins
But was like this....
Peggy Propst and Pam Fox
Who IS this guy standing next to me?
Sandy Ziganay (Tony's wife) and Roger Lundquist
Up your what? ...what's a prostate anyway?
Mike Gigoius, Steve and Sherry (Ostrander) Culver
Did you girls vote for me for "most school spirit"?
Danny Mack, Susan Rice, Joyce Plaskett,
Patti Peterson, Meredith Crews
Is it dark in here to you, or is my eyesight getting worse?
Kathy Silva, Carolyn Winnett
Would somebody puleeze turn up the lights?
Dave Perales, Bill Rothstein ('65), Mike Gigous,
Bobbie and Donna Grossen
Have you ever done it in the dark?
Kathy Silva , Carolyn Winnett, Carl Boyer,
Dave Perales, Bill Rothstein,
Mike Gigous, Donna Grossen
Did we run around together? I can't remember...
AUGUST 12, 2000
Mini-gathering, Pearl Restaurant, Salinas
In Memory - Jimmie Maricle and Mike Gard
Bobbie and Judi
Carol and Carolyn
Hey! We were the GOOD GUYS in high school!
Greg and Bonnie Lowe
John King and Greg Lowe
"OH yeah..Like I remember something that happened on Curtis Street when I was 6????"
Judi, John, Susan, Candy
I'm the prettiest..NO, I am!!! NO I am!!!
Judi, Susan, Candy
I can't believe you just said that to me....
I hope this never ends....(sigh)
Leigh, Mike, Carolyn
Lydia Castro
That's all folks....for now
Danny Mack, Steve Culver, Kenny Carlin
Meredith Crews
I can't believe I ate the WHOLE thing!!
How'd you get so tall?
Anybody wanna play tennis wit me?
I have no idea why I'm here - Tim Roberson
I wouldn't have missed this for the world
OOH, get away!!! ...COOTIES!!!
Not quite enough for a football team
2001- February Mini-gathering
Chapala's Restaurant, Salinas
Steve Culver just keeps on tickin'...right through
a mini-gathering
Steve C. and Steve Markley testing out the hospital equipment.
wait a minute! who's got the bed pan?

The boys ....first of many takes

this is like herding turtles

Geez!...Can we get this right, just once???

Nobody...NOBODY move!

Danny Moore on left
Leigh Hoobler and Rene Alire
You can touch me here, but don't touch me there....
Leigh Hoobler and Kenny CarlinSteve Markley and Ben Storment
Were we really ever this young once?
Syble Brown, Roger and Donitta (Moe '65) Lundquist
Ed Shaw and Kenny Carlin
Donna Grossen, Tom and Susan (Rice) Banks
Ed Shaw and John King
Pete Lukavich
Lydia Castro
So I took my hat off like this...and then you know what he said????
Pete Lukavich and Danny Sabado
Meredith Crews and Carolyn Winnett
Steve Markley and Meredith Crews
Danny Moore and Bobbie Grossen
John King - This is my scary face. Are you scared?
Here's lookin' at you, lookin' at me - Joyce Plaskett
I'm the happiest man in the whole USA
Ed Shaw
Ben Storment and Diane McMurray ('65)
Happy birthday to us! Thank you, Meredith Crews -
our master baker
Tom and Susan (Rice ) Banks
Roger and Donitta (Moe '65) Lundquist
Erlinda Leyson and Tim Stephens
A little two-steppin'
Carolyn Winnett and Danny Moore
L-A-R-R-Y....I'll move your arm for you
Patty Perkins
Kenny Carlin and Leigh Hoobler
Leigh Hoobler. I am having a good time...I AM having
a good time....
Connie Gigous ('66) , Dennis Beardsley, Syble Brown
Bobbi and Steve Markely, Ben Storment
Almost all of us
The group
Anna Bauer Dusek, Frank Reyes, Sue Dugger, Carolyn Winnett, Tony Ziganay
Meredith Crews, Danny Moore, Mike Gigous
Kenny Carlin, Danny Moore, Meredith Crews
Add Peggy Propst- third from Left
Add Diane Bauer Gard - 2nd from left
Add Judi Simpson, 2nd from left
Below - Jess Arias, Danny Moore, Pete Lukavich
Below: Mike Gigous and Joann Giles
Hairless??? We LIKE it this way!
Bobbie Grossen and Danny Moore
Is there anymore food in any other room?
Judy Giles, Pete Lukavich, Danny Moore,
Rene Alire, Leigh Hoobler
Pete Lukavich, Jess Arias, Bobbie Grossen
Pete Lukavich, Danny Moore, Leigh Hoobler
Below: If you boys had kept your flies zipped I wouldn't have had to crop this pict this way.
Mike Gigous, Sherry Ostrander Culver, Danny Moore, Dave Perales, Pete Lukavich, Steve Culver
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