Teenagers - We Were Very Young Once

Henry Carrasco - 1960

Jack Rickey - 1962

Alpine Village, Truckee, 1965
Kathy  and Janet Goode, Carolyn Winnett, Terry ? NSHS 65

The Goode's Green Bomber took us everywhere

Las Vegas , Flamengo Hotel, 1965
Carolyn Winnett, Kathy and Janet Goode, 
Michael Anne Olson, Mr. Goode

Franco Bernardi and Kathy Goode

Cathy Cranston, 1964

Carolyn Winnett and Sandy Freeman - 1960
Sherwood Gardens photo booth next to trampoline

John and Millie Whitehead - 1960's

Keith Kindle



Prom Night
Keith Kindle
Pat Allred
Gary Pintacura and ?
Waiting for larger print of this and identity

Sharon Malm, Carolyn Winnett - 1960
the photo booth next to Sherwood Gardens where the Trampolines were located

Jack Rickey - 1962

Cheryl Steiner (shs64) and Merle Pearson - 1964 prom

Pam Fox, Diane Briggs, 1964

Danny Gage - 1960ish

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