Monterey Elks Club
Franco Bernardi, Kathy Goode, Carolyn Winnett, Joyce Plaskett,
Vickie Robertson (SHS64)
Candy Yockey, Mr. Nergord, Lydia Castro, Erlinda Leyson
1984- Toro Park Picnic
Bobbie Grossen, Carolyn Winnett
Mike and Rita ( Nichols '67) Gigous and Kenny Carlin
1989 - 25th Reunion
Pat Ratekin

John Pollock, Carolyn Winnett, John Pollock, Dave Nichols
Joyce Plaskett

Carolyn Winnett, Ed Delorey, Meredith Crews, John Pollock
1989 -25th reunion
Toro Park Picnic
Bryce Fuller, John King, Pam Fox, Carolyn Winnett, Peggy Propst, Susan Rice
this side - Johnnie Holmes, Gay Carder
Other Side - Henry Carrasco, Jess Arias
Scoop Stephens, Mike Gigous, Ike Lara, Larry Mathisen, Pam Fox, Steve Culver
1994 - Collages of 30th Reunion
East of Eden Restaurant
1999 - Twas the night before the 35th Reunion
The Pearl Restaurant, Salinas
The Pearl Restaurant, Salinas

Sandra Huerta, Barbara Livingston

Danny Mack, Kenny Carlin
Tony Ziganay, Carolyn Winnett

Sherry Ostrander, Rene Alire, Leigh Hoobler, Steve Culver
Ira Ridgway, Meredith Crews
Neal Barnes
Steve Culver, Carolyn Winnett, Mike Gigous, Peggy Propst
Demetria Vellis and husband Gary
JoAnn Hammond, Leigh Hoobler
Linda St. Laurent, Zandra Hickenbottom, Peggy Propst
Mike Fleming and wife Roberta
Nancy Gonzales and Ike Lara
Kenny Carlin and Mike Gigous
Sandra Huerta, Rene Alire, Ira Ridgway
Tom and Susan (Rice) Banks
Ricki Pierce
Virginia Stephen , Frances Bailey, Barbara Livingston
1999 - 35th Reunion
Steinbeck Museum
Bill Rothstein ('65) , Mike and Roberta Fleming, Ed Shaw
Peace be with you - John and Karol Pollock
Danny Mack to left, Gordie Legault
Jess Arias and Henry Carrasco
Phil Dolan, MIke Gard, Gordie Legault, Demetria Vellis
Ernest and Diane Randall
MIke Fleming , Larry Mathisen, Roberta (Mike's wife),
Patty Peterson
Georgia Hatton, Janet Silva
Joann Giles, Jackie Hart and husband Travis
Henry Carrasco and wife Anna Marie
Tony Ziganay and Frank Reyes
Carolyn Winnett and John King
Ira Ridgway and Kenny Carlin Henry Arredondo
Gary Tavernetti and friend
Judy Giles, Patty Peterson, Steve Culver, Joann Giles
Kathy Schoch, Linda Satre, Gail Townsend
Kathy Schoch, Jess Arias, Tm Kearney to right
Lanny Otts ('63) , MIke Gigous, John Pollock
Linda St. Laurent, Ed and Helen (Thompson '67) Shaw
Carolyn, Winnett, Mike Gard
Susan Rice to left, Mike Gard
Bob Bailey and wife Karen....Georgia Hatton
Jim Small, Danny Mack
Below: Gary Tavernetti and Jim Small
Above: Henry and Martha Arredondo. Joann Hammond to their left. Martha talking with
Nancy Gonzales
1999 - eve before the 45th Reunion
at Tacquitos, Sherwood Gardens
Can you guess who these grads are?
I got what I wanted tonight
Larry Mathisen, Alfred Cunha, Bob Ohashi ('63)
Crowd shot
Carolyn Winnett, Sandy Freeman, Susan Matuszek
Breaking bread and tortillas together
Patti Peterson
Bob Lawson (shs 63), Susan Rice, Rodger Williams
Gus and Sandy (Freeman) DeVries
Rene Alire, Susan Matuszek, Joyce Plaskett
More crowd
Roger Fort with wife Kelly

Rodger Williams, Carolyn Winnett
Sandy Freeman, Barbara Britton, Leigh Hoobler, Rene Alire
Jim McGauhey and wife Mary

Leigh Hoobler, Rene Alire
I want what she's having
Danny Sabado, Larry Mathisen
Larry Mathisen

Susan Nergord
1999 - 45th Reunion
Elks Club, Salinas
It don't get no better than this...Susan Matuszek
Hi Mom!!!! It's me, your son..ED
Danny Casey, Ed Shaw
Henry Arredondo and Bob Ohashi (NSHS63)
Dueling Cameras - Bob Bailey
Barbara Britton, Jim McGauhey and Susan Matuszek
"I wish you wouldn't ask me that in public, Danny."
Claire James, Danny Casey
Marti Castillo, Susan Rice, Susan Matuszek
"This is how you do the Heimlich maneuver."
Sandy Freeman, Meredith Crews
Now you can see by this drawing that I've built
a better mousetrap.
Angelica and Dana Abbott, Steve Culver, Alfred cunha
Patti Peterson, Demetria Vellis
The lady in red....Ricki Pierce
seated Mike and Roberta Fleming
standing: tony Ziganay, Henry Arredondo, Mike Gigous, Sue Dugger (63), Patti Peterson
Eddie Payne and Bobbie Grossen
Eddie, Carolyn, Bobbie
The Spring School Gang. Eddie, Carolyn,
Bobbie, Junior Reyes
Sandy Freeman, Meredith Crews, Joyce Plaskett
Diane Bauer ('66) Gard and Eddie Payne
Mike Gigous, Jess Arias and Danny Tyner
Cathy Hammock ('67) and Mike Gigous
Eddie and Sue (Shriver shs64) Payne
Here I am to save the day! - MIke Gigous, and Ed Shaw
Danny Gomes and Henry Arredondo with
wives : Martha A. and Gloria G.
Danny Gomes, Henry Arredondo, Larry Mathisen
Danny Gomes, Roger and Kelly Fort
Nancy Gonzales and Demetria Vellis
Bobbie Grossen and Danny Casey
Bobbie and Donna Grossen
Bobbie and Donna Grossen and Mary Kay Toyne ('65)
Helen Thompson, Danny and Joanne (Minor '66) Casey
Leigh Hoobler, Roger and Donitta (Moe '65) Lundquist, Patti Peterson, Carolyn Winnett
Joyce Plaskett
First you grab it like this...then you twist .
Alfred Cunha, Mike Gigous, John Whitehead, Jan Whited
Just a couple ol' codgers, aren't we now?
John King, Mike Gigous
Claire James and John King
"Could you speed up your story, Larry. the party is just about over." Larry Mathisen, Roger Lundquist
Roger and Donitta (Moe '65) Lundquist
Danny Mack and Steve Culver
Danny Mack and Tony Ziganay
Ken McDaris and Rodger Williams
Ken and Mary McDaris, Eddie and Sue(Shriver SHS64) Payne
Runners up -
So You Think You Can Dance
Ed Shaw, Carolyn Winnett
John Whitehead and Carolyn Winnett
1999 - eve before the 45th Reunion
at Tacquitos, Sherwood Gardens
Can you guess who these grads are?
I got what I wanted tonight
Larry Mathisen, Alfred Cunha, Bob Ohashi ('63)
Crowd shot
Carolyn Winnett, Sandy Freeman, Susan Matuszek
Breaking bread and tortillas together
Patti Peterson
Bob Lawson (shs 63), Susan Rice, Rodger Williams
Gus and Sandy (Freeman) DeVries
More crowd
Roger Fort with wife Kelly
Rodger Williams, Carolyn Winnett
Sandy Freeman, Barbara Britton, Leigh Hoobler, Rene Alire
Jim McGauhey and wife Mary
Tom (nshs62) and Susan (Rice) Banks

Leigh Hoobler, Rene Alire
I want what she's having
Danny Sabado, Larry Mathisen
Larry Mathisen
Susan Nergord
Tom Banks, Sandy Freeman, Peggy Whited
1999 - 45th Reunion
Elks Club, Salinas
that's Sandy Freeman, between Dana and Angelica Abbott
It don't get no better than this...Susan Matuszek
Jess Arias and Carolyn Winnett
Danny Casey , Henry Arredondo
Danny Casey, Ed Shaw
Henry Arredondo and Bob Ohashi (NSHS63)
Dueling Cameras - Bob Bailey
Barbara Britton, Jim McGauhey and Susan Matuszek
The red icing was DELISH
"I wish you wouldn't ask me that in public, Danny."
Claire James, Danny Casey
Mayonnaise wave - Nancy Gonzales and Marti Castillo
"This is how you do the Heimlich maneuver."
Sandy Freeman, Meredith Crews
Now you can see by this drawing that I've built
a better mousetrap.
Angelica and Dana Abbott, Steve Culver, Alfred cunha
Alfred Cunha, Nancy Gonzales
Who is that coming in the door?
Alfred Cunha , Roger Lundquist
Patti Peterson, Demetria Vellis
The lady in red....Ricki Pierce
seated Mike and Roberta Fleming
standing: tony Ziganay, Henry Arredondo, Mike Gigous, Sue Dugger (63), Patti Peterson
Eddie Payne and Bobbie Grossen
Eddie, Carolyn, Bobbie
The Spring School Gang. Eddie, Carolyn,
Bobbie, Junior Reyes
John Whitehead - Catching up on 45 year old news
Mike Gigous, Danny Sabado, Danny Casey
Sandy Freeman, Meredith Crews, Joyce Plaskett
Diane Bauer ('66) Gard and Eddie Payne
Mike Gigous, Jess Arias and Danny Tyner
Cathy Hammock ('67) and Mike Gigous
Steve and Sherry (Ostrander) Culver
Eddie and Sue (Shriver shs64) Payne
Here I am to save the day! - MIke Gigous, and Ed Shaw
Danny Gomes and Henry Arredondo with
wives : Martha A. and Gloria G.
Danny Gomes, Henry Arredondo, Larry Mathisen
Danny Gomes, Roger and Kelly Fort
Nancy Gonzales and Demetria Vellis
Bobbie Grossen and Danny Casey
I am STUNNED by what they're laughing about!
Corkey Barnes, Donna and Bobbie Grossen, Frank Reyes
Bobbie and Donna Grossen and Mary Kay Toyne ('65)
Helen Thompson, Danny and Joanne (Minor '66) Casey
Leigh Hoobler, Roger and Donitta (Moe '65) Lundquist, Patti Peterson, Carolyn Winnett
Joyce Plaskett
First you grab it like this...then you twist .
Alfred Cunha, Mike Gigous, John Whitehead, Jan Whited
Just a couple ol' codgers, aren't we now?
John King, Mike Gigous
Claire James and John King
Donitta Moe (;65) and Leigh Hoobler
Here's lookin' at ya, Babe
Leigh Hoobler
Roger and Donitta (Moe '65) Lundquist
Danny Mack and Steve Culver
Danny Mack and Tony Ziganay
Larry Mathisen and Danny Casey
Henry Arredondo and Larry Mathisen
Marti Castillo, Susan Matuszek
Ken and Mary McDaris
Ken McDaris and Rodger Williams
Wish you were here....
Carolyn Winnett, Leigh Hoobler, Helen Thompson ('69) , Joanne Minor ('66)
Wanta walnetto, little girl?
Bob Bailey, Carolyn Winnett
Alfred Cunha and Carolyn Winnett
I've always only had one leg, Danny
Leigh Hoobler, Roger and Donitta (Moe '65) Lundquist, Patti Peterson, Carolyn Winnett
Claire James, John King, Carolyn Winnett
Meredith Crews and Joyce Plaskett
Runners up -
So You Think You Can Dance
Ed Shaw, Carolyn Winnett

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