Sunday, May 5, 2024


                right side of table l to r:

Side of Keith Piel, Ed Shaw, Randy Prader, Danny Casey, Helen Thompson (67) Shaw

clock wise starting on left: Randy and Donna Prader, Trana Rogne , Millie Whitehead, Alle Shrum.

right side of table Pearl Butler Shrum, John Whitehead, Danny Tyner, Gail Townsend Rogne, Phil and Kathy Shaw Honig

from another angle ...clock wise:  Keith Piel , Ed Shaw, Helen Thompson Shaw, Tony Ziganay standing, Jim and Mary McGauhey  . right side is Peggy Propst

Carolyn Winnett, Donna Prader, Trana Rogne, Pearl Butler Shrum

Keith Piel, Ed Shaw, Danny Casey, Helen Thomspon Shaw (back), Jim and Mary  McGauhey,
Meredith  Crews

starting with Danny Mack and Lois Flint, Randy Prader 

Peggy Propst was our biggest cheerleader...she decided to come to EVERYTHING because she was having so much fun!  Meredith Crews...Archer Sisters (Nancy and Helen (69)

Nini Minor ('69) and sister Joanne Minor Casey (66)

                                  Here's lookin' at's lookin' at me...Danny Mack

                                      Sandy Ziganay, John Whitehead In back with  Danny Tyner 

We had so many unexpected show up that we were almost on top of each other...
Here's Tony  Ziganay telling Keith Piel to beathe in and hold it! or maybe he was giving back rubs.  

Danny Casey getting quite animated with Ed Shaw,  Helen Thompson (67) Shaw, Jim and Mary MCGauhey, Peggy Propst

Danny Mack and Dan Gomes

Dan and Gloria Berry (shs65) Gomes

                                    goodbye goodbye goodbye  til we meet again
                       l to r: Danny Mack, Carolyn Winnett, Millie Whitehead, Peggy Propst, 

                         GOODBYE GOODBYE GOODBYE
                                    TIL WE MEET AGAIN

60th Reunion - 2024 - April 6 Saturday Night Gala at the Ranch at Crazy Horse, Salinas

Thanks to Jim McGauhey and Roger Lundquist , all attendees got their mug shot 
except Gary Pintacura, but we made up a mugshot for Gary...the first one below. 
 Names above each picture

Gary Pintacura...Without a real mug shot,  he hasn't been charged with anything 
 malicious or fraudulent, yet.  There's still time.  

Dan and Gloria Berry (shs65) Gomes, San Luis Obispo
Calm , cool and collected ...get these  two a drink

                                 Rodney (nshs 80's) and Sherri Arias  in memory of Jess Arias
                                                                   We are honored they joined us

                                           Lydia Castro  and  Elmer Yung. Missouri or somewhere

                                                           mug shot....Serious Crime commited

But who cares!  Let's smoke and party before we're frisked! 

                                         the Archer Sisters- Helen ('69) and Nancy.... from Tennessee

                      Ed and Helen Thompson (67) Shaw, Salinas  and Dan and Joanne Minor (66) Casey,                                                                                     Tacoma WA

                                                  In witness protection . you did not see them here



                                                           Bobby and Donna Grossen, Salinas

                                                           handcuffs removed before photo


                                            Rob and Mary Ann Lee Fox - Cathys Valley CA

                                            the decadence, decline and deterioration of these two!


                                              Roger and Donitta Moe (65) Lundquist

                         If he would just clean up his act, Donitta might stay with him another 50+ years

Jim McGauhey and Lydia Castro 
I don't think Mary McGauhey knows about this. It would break her heart.

John and Millie Whitehead...
It's NEVER a good NSHS64 party unless the Whitehead's attend or HOST one.
The only prop missing  is a big Cuban Cigar between John's lips,
 altho I bet he gave them up years ago.  

Danny Mack and Lois Flint, Salinas
Dancing machines right here! Always game  for a good party

Jim and Mary McGauhey
"I lead 2 lives"...Jim

                                               Ken  and Mary Young (shs66) McDaris, Salinas

                                                 A coupla beers and they're Ready to RUMBLE                 

Roland and Aida Acaya(66) Pascua, Salinas
They're pleading nolo contendere. It's better for the kids

                              Peggy Propst, Salinas, Larery Mathisen , Fresno, Meredith Crews , Tennessee

                                              Someone told them there's a party going on, so HERE THEY ARE

                                              or, that's weekend at Bernie's  in the middle  

                           Peggy Propst, Salinas , Carolyn Winnett-Piel, Colorado and Roland Pascua, Salinas

                                                Watch out!  He's a lady's man and he does not have boundaries


                                           Peggy Propst, Salinas and Meredith Crews, Tennessee

                                                    My God!...that could be their age...combined!

                                              Keith Piel, and Carolyn Winnett-PIEL Colorado

90-day warranty on their recent marriage expired. ...flying on a wing and a prayer now.
They don't seem to have control of their props among other things

Randy and Donna Prader, New York where it's still snowing!
Ditched their body guards ...they're unsupervised ,and it shows

Kathy Shaw , Sacramento, and Roger Lundquist, Salinas
Tequila makes her clothes fall off. Is anyone monitoring HIS drinks??

                                                     Phil and Kathy Shaw Honig, Sacramento
                                     Phil doesn't know about Roger, and Roger doesn't know about Phil

                                              Ben Storment, Salinas and Meredith Crews, Tennessee
                                     these two are unaware that they're facing  9 to life with this mugshot

                                                 NOW they blend in like a coupla ol' graduates

                                                     Gail Townsend - North Dakota or somewhere
                   She went wild at the reunion when Trana wasn't around to keep her in line
                                                 Rogne and Gail Townsend Rogne
                                                                   See what I mean? 

                                     Danny Tyner , Watsonville--Allen Shrum, Nevada--Frank Reyes Castroville
                                      they're doing  big  heist tomorrow last big party for them...                                                                                          check their pockets  before they leave the reunion room 

Karen Wallace, Arnold memory of Michael Wallace. 
Ed and Helen Thompson (67) Shaw, Salinas
Your fly is open Ed

                                                                  Tony and Sandy Ziganay
                                             Tony PROMISES AGAIN to give up cigarettes 
                                                before he gets home  AGAIN


captions above picts 

Roger doing the work, Keith supervising
Banner created by Jess Arias 10  years ago

Ed Shaw setting up his slide show and sound system

Thanks to our magnificent  DJ Ernie O'Campo
He got us up dancing and kept us mesmerized with his variety of music 

We missed Victor Viking who's gone missing. He'll live on in our memories 


Steve Culver

Welcome to the Ranch at Crazy Horse 

the check-in  table
attended by the most- efficient 
Kathy Shaw and Meredith Crews 

Everyone is a Viking when the Fight Song is
played.  Listen to the exuberant and robust sing-along

Two April Birthdays
Lydia Castro and Gail Townsend

Lydia Castro  and Phil and Kathy Shaw Honig

Carolyn Winnett-Piel, Joanne Minor Casey(66),
 Ed Shaw in back, Danny Casey

Gail Townsend, Nancy Archer and sis Helen Archer (69)

It all started in the old neighborhood and progressed to
wild parties when Ed's parents were out of town
Ed Shaw and Larry Mathisen

Lydia Castro and Elmer Yung

Let's do the stroll

Dancers - 

Dancers - Roland and Aida Acaya(66)Pascua, Meredith Crewes, Lydia Castro,  Carolyn Winnett, Donna Prader, Allen Shrum

Snowball dance...grab your partner and then switch
Danny Tyner, Carolyn Winnett

Hey! is that Danny and Joanne in the "basket"? SMOOOTH

time for the bar to water down Danny Casey's drinks

Lydia Castro , Elmer Yung.
Allen Shrum in back with Mary Ann Lee

Snowball dance 
Ken McDaris and Carolyn Winnett

l to r- Danny and Joanne, and a peak of Danny Mack

back of Roland Pascua,  Meredith Crews, Randy Prader 

Bobbie and Donna Grossen, Carolyn and Danny,
 Ken and Mary Young (shs66)McDaris, Danny Mack and Meredith Crews

Pearl Butler Shrum, Danny Tyner Allen Schrum 
Table know back counter clock:  Ken and Gloria Berry(shs65)McDaris, Jim and Mary McGauhey,Meredith Crews, and backs to us is Rob and Mary Ann Lee Fox 

at table l to r is Roland Pascua, John and Millie Whitehead,
Donna Prader . Standing in back is Peggy propst in white, Donna Grossen in black,Helen Thompson(67)Shaw in blue, Ben Storment, Frank Reyes, talking to
 Ken McDaris 

Umph! I'm all Shook Up
Danny Mack and Carolyn Winnett

Roland and Aida Acaya (66) Pascua, and
John Whitehead

Phil and Kathy Shaw Honig and Aida Acaya Pascua

Pearl Butler Shrum and Allen

Roger and Donitta Moe (65) Lundquist
Rodney and Sherri Arias 

Jim and Mary McGauhey, Meredith Crews

Dan and Gloria Berry (shs 65 )Gomes

Mary McGauhey, Meredith Crews, Mary Ann Lee

The Archer Sisters  Helen ('69) and Nancy, and Trana Rogne 

Trana and Gail Townsend Rogne

l to r:
Gary Pintacura, DJ Ernie, Ben Storment, Frank Reyes  and 
Ken McDaris in a moment of prayer

Lto R
side of Bobbie Grossen , Danny Mack with Lois Flint, 
Gary Pintacura, back of Ben Storment

clock wise starting with Bobbie Grossen, Lois Flint with Danny Mack, Gary Pintacura, backs of Frank Reyes, Ben Storment, Ken and Mary Young (shs 66) McDaris, Donna Grossen

Helen Thompson (67) Shaw, Joanne Minor Casey, and 
Kermit the Frog

Lydia Castro and Elmer "don't get me started" Yung....

from a drone....Larry Mathisen in front of banner to help him remember where he is, Ed and Helen Thompson (67) Shaw,
Joanne "I'm not looking up" Minor Casey (66) 

They're starting their chain smoking early ...
Lydia Castro and Elmer Yung

 Here's Keith Piel at a table for 8, sitting alone. 
Where's the boys?
(Peggy Propst and Gail Townsend in back)

Two Buddies spanning 75 years
Ed Shaw and Larry Mathisen

s'more buddies from the east side of the tracks of North Main
Ed Shaw, Danny Casey, Keith Piel

Gail Townsend, Nancy Archer and Helen Archer ('69)