right side of table l to r:
Side of Keith Piel, Ed Shaw, Randy Prader, Danny Casey, Helen Thompson (67) Shaw
right side of table Pearl Butler Shrum, John Whitehead, Danny Tyner, Gail Townsend Rogne, Phil and Kathy Shaw Honig
Carolyn Winnett, Donna Prader, Trana Rogne, Pearl Butler Shrum
Meredith Crews

Nini Minor ('69) and sister Joanne Minor Casey (66)
Here's lookin' at you...here's lookin' at me...Danny Mack
Sandy Ziganay, John Whitehead In back with Danny Tyner
Danny Casey getting quite animated with Ed Shaw, Helen Thompson (67) Shaw, Jim and Mary MCGauhey, Peggy Propst
starting with Danny Mack and Lois Flint, Randy Prader
Peggy Propst was our biggest cheerleader...she decided to come to EVERYTHING because she was having so much fun! Meredith Crews...Archer Sisters (Nancy and Helen (69)
Nini Minor ('69) and sister Joanne Minor Casey (66)
We had so many unexpected show up that we were almost on top of each other...
Here's Tony Ziganay telling Keith Piel to beathe in and hold it! or maybe he was giving back rubs.
Danny Mack and Dan Gomes
Dan and Gloria Berry (shs65) Gomes
l to r: Danny Mack, Carolyn Winnett, Millie Whitehead, Peggy Propst,
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